• Find the mental clarity to define your own path.

    The first-ever personal clarity retreat in a box

Clarity Kit box

Find mental clarity

Years of experience with introspection retreats, brought together into one kit to help you find clarity.

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"The Clarity Kit helped me define who I truly am, what my values are and what the right path is for me. I feel more confident, relieved and above all excited about the future. A gift to myself."


"I was feeling so overwhelmed with options and choices to make, that I felt paralysed. The Clarity Kit helped me to pauze and reconnect with what was important to me."


"We tried, tested and vetted the Clarity Kit as couple... and enjoyed it very much as yet another deepening milestone. Definitely commendable."

Lien & Christoph

"I would recommend the Clarity Kit to anyone who questions their current life or has an important decision to take. For me it has shown the path forward and enabled me to take a difficult decision with confidence."


"The Clarity Kit is as aesthetically beautiful as it is thought provoking and a source of big personal realizations. I have recommended it around me and plan to give this to the people I care the most about."


Only you know what is right for you.

Press & blogs

Press for Clarity Kit: the Introspection Retreat to find mental clarity